Nathan Whitcome - OAI Integration Dev
Nathan is a senior in computer engineering with a minor in music technology. He specializes in reactive web development with Vue.js and full stack web development.

Ibro Tutic - Project Manager
Ibro is a senior computer engineering and physics major. He enjoys mobile development and currently works as a student mobile developer at John Deere.

Drew Eschweiler - Algorithm Dev
Drew is a senior in Computer Engineering. Specializes in embedded systems and enjoys participating in volleyball club at ISU.

Samuel Stanek - OAI Integration Dev
Sam Stanek is a senior in Computer Engineering. He specializes in Cyber Security and has a newly found interest in Networking.

Nicholas Lorenz - Quality/Perf. Analyst
Nicholas Lorenz is a senior in Electrical engineering. He specializes in Power engineering. His hobby is playing airsoft.

William Byers - Algorithm Dev
Will is a senior in computer engineering. He specializes in digital hardware and firmware design (PCB and FPGA), and works as a student employee at Collins Aerospace.